Addiction Help, Guidance, and Stories of Hope

What Is Withdrawal and How Can You Deal with It?
For those using drugs or alcohol, the discomfort of withdrawal is often what keeps them trapped in the cycle of addiction. But, what is withdrawal? Why does it happen? And, what’s the best way to d…

Getting Sober? Do It Before the Holidays with New Day Recovery
You may have been struggling with dependency and addiction for a long time, but are putting off treatment until after the holidays. It’s easy to pr…

What Is IOP? Learn About Intensive Outpatient Treatment With New Day Recovery
At New Day Recovery, we are focused on helping people who are struggling with addiction recover their autonomy. While residential inpatient treatme…

Heroin Facts You Should Know
Treating heroin addiction requires a multifaceted approach. Heroin treatment may require therapy, medication, lifestyle changes and help from supp…

What are the Most Commonly Abused Opiates?
Abuse of and addiction to opioids and opiates is a rising concern across the nation — so much so that the term opioid crisis has been coined to des…

How Can My Family Be Involved in My Recovery?
Many people wonder what the role of family is in recovery. Like so many things when it comes to addiction treatment, the answer is: It depends. Dis…

Will I Lose My Job if I Seek Help for Addiction?
At New Day Recovery, we know a lot of fears and factors can keep people from seeking treatment for their addictions. One common worry many people f…