Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment | What We Offer
New Day Recovery is not a dual diagnosis treatment center, given that we do not typically work with individuals who have a new diagnosis. We are not equipped with the right resources to help someone get a new mental health diagnosis under control while also dealing with rehab and substance abuse recovery treatment. We can, however, offer referrals to high-quality programs that do offer these options.
- We can work with someone who is already actively taking prescribed medication, following up with mental health appointments and working with providers to manage their mental disorder issues.
- Our experienced staff and flexible programs allow us to accommodate and offer treatment for many co-occurring mental disorders and substance use disorders within these parameters.
Mental Health Counseling and MAT
Although New Day Recovery is not specialized in dual diagnosis treatment, we do offer referrals out to our outpatient mental health center On Demand Counseling. ODC is equipped with several counselors across Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana counties who are trained in treating those with co-occuring disorders such as addiction and mental health disorders.

Is Our Alcohol and Drug Rehab Right for Your Needs?
Taking the first step and reaching out to someone for help is huge, and we do not want that step overshadowed or blocked by a fear that the facility you are contacting is not able to help you.
- We talk to you and consider your needs and goals when it comes to recovery.
- We make some recommendations about possible next steps for your journey— whether that be treatment at New Day or an outside referral.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Overview:
- Helps you understand how one diagnosis can impact the other and vice versa
- Promotes development of healthy coping mechanisms that help you deal with issues relevant to both diagnoses
- Concentrates on both issues via appropriate medication, therapy and clinical interventions
- Moves you through rehab in a way that addresses root causes, relationships between both addiction and mental health issues, so you’re prepared with the right tools to deal with both issues in the long-term recovery process