Person Battling Alcohol AddictionWhen you suspect that someone you love is abusing alcohol, it’s important to be aware of the signs of alcoholism and understand when it’s time to intervene. These signs can vary drastically depending on the severity of the substance use disorder, and while some signs seem to be more obvious, others can be discreet and difficult to recognize. By familiarizing yourself with common signs and symptoms of alcoholism, you may be able to encourage your loved one to seek help through addiction treatment before their alcohol addiction spirals out of control.

Early Warning Signs of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease that has many faces. For most people struggling with alcoholism, the first sign of the disease is that they continue to drink even after they’ve experienced negative side effects in their lives. For some, this might mean they miss work, while others may have run-ins with the law or frequently neglect their health or responsibilities. In addition to this, they may become violent or depressed or show other extreme shifts in behavior while under the influence and be unable to remember events that occurred during that time.

Physical Signs of Alcoholism

The physical signs of alcoholism are plentiful and can range from moderate to severe, depending on how long a person has been drinking and how often they are drinking alcohol. These symptoms may include:

  • Weight loss
  • Dry skin
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Yellowing of the eyes and skin
  • Broken capillaries on the skin, in particular around the nose

During withdrawals, people tend to experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms. These may include:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Tremors or seizures
  • Shakiness
  • Visual or auditory hallucinations

In addition to these physical signs, one may frequently smell of alcohol. This smell can remain on their skin and breath for several hours after a binge drinking session. Often, as alcoholism progresses, hygiene begins to noticeably deteriorate.

Other Signs That Point to an Alcohol Use Disorder

Often, when a person has an alcohol use disorder, they tend to withdraw from their normal routine and neglect obligations such as their relationships with friends and family members. They may ignore any physical health problems or mental health issues, including those that are a direct result of alcohol abuse, such as liver problems, depression or heart conditions.

Many alcoholics find it difficult to limit the amount of alcohol consumption. Due to their drinking habit, they may decide to have just one drink and end up unable to stop drinking, or they may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms and cravings that they’re unable to resist. As a result of alcohol dependence, many people battling an alcohol substance abuse disorder end up going to extreme lengths to obtain alcohol. This may include putting themselves in dangerous situations or breaking the law which can result in negative consequences.

If you or someone you love is struggling with an alcohol addiction, call our Ohio drug rehab helpline today at (330) 886-4744 to get help now. At New Day Recovery, we accept most insurance plans, including Ohio Medicaid and Medicare, and offer a broad range of residential treatment and outpatient rehab options to help you or your loved one get life back on track.