Sober Living Resources

Getting Sober? Do It Before the Holidays with New Day Recovery
You may have been struggling with dependency and addiction for a long time, but are putting off treatment until after the holidays. It’s easy to promise yourself that next year you’ll start fresh. …

Practicing Gratitude in Addiction Recovery
Grateful: Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness, thankful.
The holiday season presents us with many opportunities to be grateful – the Tha…

What Do I Bring to Treatment? A Quick Guide to What You’ll Need at New Day Recovery
Taking the first step in the drug recovery process can be both scary and exhilarating. In order to ensure the most comfortable and safe stay at our…

New Year – New Opportunity to Get Clean
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to turn your life around and rid yourself of the addiction that has been controlling you. This year…

6 Tips for a Sober Holiday Season Gallery 6 Tips for a Sober Holiday Season
6 Tips for a Sober Holiday Season
The holidays are meant for a time of peace and joy. Anyone who has struggled with addiction knows that Thanksgivi…

Exercise and Sobriety
Getting sober is hard. Exercise and sobriety can give drug or alcohol recovery an extra boost. When a person turns from their addiction, many times…

Living with a Recovering Alcoholic
When a loved one is seeking help for a drinking problem and is on the road to recovery, there is a feeling of instant relief and hope by family mem…