myths about drug rehab

The insanely easy access we have to information today provides a number of benefits, but there are also negative side effects to all this data. One of those is that myths and misinformation are passed along as fast as (and often faster) than the truth. When it comes to drug rehab, numerous misconceptions are promoted online and in television and movies.

Here are five myths about drug rehab that might be keeping you from getting the help you need.

Myth: You don’t need drug rehab; you just need more willpower.

Truth: Addiction is a disease, not a bad habit. Yes, willpower plays a role in recovery, but it’s only one of the tools you use to battle addiction. Professional drug rehab helps you develop other tools you’ll need, including a support system, healthier coping mechanisms, understanding of the addiction cycle and knowledge about your own triggers. Plus, when you seek professional help with recovery, you can benefit from other treatment options such as medically assisted detox, recreational therapies and education about how diet, exercise and other lifestyle choices can help you maintain sobriety.

Myth: Drug rehab is a one-and-done resource.

Truth: Addiction is a chronic disorder. That means the addiction (not necessarily the substance abuse) is for a lifetime. Even after you go through drug rehab, you must work to maintain your sobriety by following up with outpatient rehab services, counseling appointments and attending group sessions or AA/NA meetings.

Think of addiction like a chronic physical ailment such as diabetes. Someone with diabetes follows up with medical professionals throughout their life to manage the disease. Sometimes, they might relapse and end up back in the hospital for treatment before they can move on again. Addiction works in a similar fashion.

Myth: If I enter rehab, I’ll probably lose my job.

Truth: The law is probably on your side. If you work for a state or local government or any employer that has a staff of 15 or more, you can seek addiction treatment without being fired under the protection of the Americans with Disabilities Act. And the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) may ensure that you can take long-term leave for personal medical issues (addiction treatment counts) and have your job status protected in the meantime.

You can talk to your company’s human resource department to understand options for taking a leave of absence. Many employers also offer Employee Assistance Programs, including access to help in seeking drug rehab options.

If you have more questions or could use some guidance, contact New Day Recovery today.